After evaluating historical giving, TC Energy decided to shift towards more targeted and impactful projects that would leave a greater legacy in the communities in which they operate and their employees live and work.
We collaborated with their community giving team to consolidate several investment focus areas under a unified program and sub-brand to better leverage awareness and investments.
When designing the program, our strategy was to employ the branded house approach and have one brand for the entire program instead of one for each initiative. The Build Strong name was forged out of TC Energy’s core business of building infrastructure, and commitment to help build strong communities.
Build Strong Overarching
The Build Strong program stands out from other TC communications while still firmly planted in the corporate VI. We matched a selection of secondary colours to each focus area, and created a system that pairs each pillar with an active descriptor. Imagery depicts the program’s recipients, and end benefits to communities.
Build Strong stories are told from the perspective of community members and share the human story behind the investments. To encourage applications for funding from local organizations, Strut created a series of short videos telling the stories of scholarship and grant recipients, as well as a collection of social media assets including photos, graphics, and animated videos.
Strut designed and developed a Scholarships microsite that seamlessly integrated with the TC Energy corporate website. The biggest little feature of the Scholarships page is a streamlined application process that pre- qualifies applicants with 5 easy questions, eliminates significant hands-on management, and collects contact information enabling TC Energy to connect with students who meet the base requirements, but do not complete the application process.
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