We are Strut. Born in June of 2000 using Nat’s spare bedroom as an office. Two decades later, a team of 20, an international clientele and a pretty sweet (if we do say so ourselves) 17th Ave office space—and we are once again operating from our spare rooms as we navigate a global pandemic. Also, is this real-life?!
But as we mentioned, we are Strut and we are resilient. It’s like we have been practicing for this our whole life—meetings, presentations, and brand strategy workshops with clients in London, the Netherlands, Ottawa, Toronto, Houston, Singapore, Brisbane. Over the years, working remotely with clients has become second nature—we just never could have imagined it would become a way of life overnight.
This June marks the 20th anniversary of Strut’s inception. And while a sparkly bash with music and confetti and champagne and all the cream-puff jelly donuts you could imagine is temporarily on hold, you better shine your shoes and get your party hats in order—because when this thing cools off, we’re going to party like it’s our birthday. Cue the music 50 Cent.
In the meantime… stay a while and take a look around. We’ve done some house cleaning and managed to launch a new website in virtual celebration of turning 20. We talk a bit about what we do here. And who we are here. And how we got here, here. We’ve also done some pretty amazing work that you can find over here.
And not-to-worry, we’re still drinking champagne about it—we’re just in our (nicest) sweat pants instead of our party clothes. Soon enough. Soon enough.